When we see a picture like this, we frantically try to think of a scientific explanation for how it’s possible. Dogs need four legs to stand upright, correct? Or at least three? Well these two prove us all wrong. Meet Cute and Bambi, two dogs who live in Quezon City, Philippines.

They were both born with only their rear legs, but they’ve adapted just fine to life as kangaroo-like creatures. Because they are so unique, their owner, street vendor Lope Tulipas, has rejected multiple offers to buy the pair, and they seem quite happy. Animals often teach us a thing or two about adaptability.
They remind us that life is never perfect, but that we are called to do the very best with what we have been given. If fact, the scriptures teach that God’s power is not made complete in our strength but is showcased in our weakness. All of us are born less than perfect, but we do not have to live a “less than” life. Because of the Lord, we can live a “greater than” life. For “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (NASB, Philippians 4:13).
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