Frank the Pittbull Attacked by Angry Mob

Frank the Pittbull Attacked by Angry Mob
October 27, 2019 Pastor Bob
Frank the Pittbull

A dog attacked by an angry mob was saved when a Good Samaritan intervened. A woman was driving when she saw a group of people beating the dog with bricks, sticks and rocks. She wouldn’t stand for it and stopped her car, opened her passenger door and called for the dog who ran and jumped into her car. The dog was given medical attention and suffered a deep gash to his head and face. Named Frank by his caregivers, short for Frankenstein because of the number of stitches, he is now in foster care with Canine Cupids in Milwaukee, WI. to be readied for adoption.

Frank the Pittbull
Frank Dog Injured

He was so happy when he arrived at his foster home that he spent the afternoon chasing tennis balls. This is a nightmare that comes to a happy ending. I write about it because it amazes me how as humans we can be so cruel to each other and animals.

It is an unfortunate symptom of a society that has lost it’s way into the darkness of extreme selfishness where no one and nothing is safe. This kind of environment happened one time before on a worldwide scale and the outcome was tragic.

Frank Pitbull Recovered

The scriptures record that the Flood during Noah’s time was because “the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5) In fact, when God conversed with Noah He said that the earth was corrupt and filled with violence. (V.13)

One would think that with all of our increased education and thousands of years of opportunity for growth, man would have changed. However, what this reveals is that the problem has very little to do with our external environment, but much to do with our internal one. As long as selfishness rules our insides it’s ugly expressions will be revealed on the outside with the most gruesome aspects portrayed on the nightly news.

It is my constant prayer that for the sake of mankind and animals we will seriously examine our own hearts, to see if there be any “hurtful way in us.”