Love You To Death – A Valentine Story

Love You To Death – A Valentine Story
October 21, 2019 Pastor Bob
Kevin McClain, a 57 year-old homeless man from Cedar Rapids

I have often wondered what it meant when someone said that they “loved me to death.” I understood it to mean that they loved me a lot, and it was an expression that implied they would be with me to the end. I never really thought much of it until I read about Kevin McClain, a 57 year-old homeless man from Cedar Rapids. He had lived in his car with his dog Yurtie until the two were separated when McClain became ill from lung cancer and had entered hospice. His dying wish was to see Yurtie one last time and it meant the world to him to see her in his final days.

Kevin McClain, a 57 year-old homeless man from Cedar Rapids

The Hospice Home Ambulance Service and the animal shelter where Yurtie was staying teamed up to make it happen. Kevin was so weak, but the moment he opened his eyes and saw his dog, there was instant recognition and she began licking his arms and face. Soon after, Kevin died, but he had truly been loved to death by his very faithful friend Yurtie. Though he had very little in earthly possessions, he had a great wealth stored in his heart.

This is the kind of unconditional, unwavering love that every person longs for. It is the type of love spoken of at wedding ceremonies in the words, “till death do us part.” Yes, there is a lot that can be learned from our pets, especially about love.