This is Shrek the sheep. He became famous several years ago when he was found after hiding out in caves and ravines for six years. And as you are able to see, his fleece grew because there was no one there to shear it.
When he was finally found and shorn, his fleece weighed an amazing sixty pounds. Most sheep have a fleece weighing just less than ten pounds, with the rare exception reaching fifteen pounds. For six years Shrek carried six times the regular weight of his fleece and this was due simply to the fact that he was away from his shepherd.
This is a great reminder of the passage in John 10 where Jesus compares Himself to a shepherd, and His followers His sheep. This is a great example as to what happens when a person who knows Jesus Christ wanders. Without Christ’s constant refining and pruning we will accumulate burdens we don’t have to bear.
When Shrek was found, a sheep shearer took care of Shrek’s fleece in twenty-eight minutes. His sixty-pound fleece was removed and all it took was coming home to his shepherd.
The Bible says Christ will lift the burdens we carry, if we will stop hiding. He will take the burdens we have been carrying accumulated over time away from Him.
Remember His Word – “Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30