Rescued from the Trash

Rescued from the Trash
October 26, 2019 Pastor Bob
Cavalier King Charles Rescued from Trash

When this Cavalier King Charles pup was rescued from the streets of Montreal, he had at first been mistaken for a pile of garbage or a plush toy that had been thrown out.

Cavalier King Charles Rescued from Trash

He was found by the Quebec Society for the Protection of Animals. Though he was terrified of the electric razor it had to be done to ensure that he could move and to discover any injuries.

But, as the disgustingly thick mats of fur caked with mud and rubbish were cut away, it revealed a sweet but terrified and mistreated pedigree dog underneath.

To read this story and see the pictures creates an ache in the heart of anyone who has compassion. But it is not just animals that are trapped living among the trash and covered in filth. In one degree or another we all struggle to survive in the midst of the rubbish and filth that have attached to us as we have journeyed through life.

Dog from Trash Shaved

Sure it is not visible to the naked eye, but it is very real and corrupts our feelings and thoughts. Hidden wounds remain and fester, and all of our own efforts cannot deliver us from our situation. An outside hand with a heart of compassion is needed, and like that pup, we have fear that the process will be painful.

Dog Quebec Society for the Protection of Animals.

In the same way a compassionate person delivered this dog, a compassionate God seeks to free us. If we will in humility give Him access to our hearts, He cleanses us and heals us. He helps us become what He intended us to be, unencumbered by the messes of days gone by.

The groomer of our soul not only provides our cleansing once, but is daily attending to us as we remain in His care. For it is written, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

Saved Cavalier King Charles