Listen all my loved ones, listen all my friends;
God’s hand of judgment will be seen again!
Look around and see the destruction that is impacting us.
Lives are being shattered, hope is drying up,
integrity has been tossed aside like a piece of junk.
Don’t you hear Him calling? Don’t you see the waste?
Yet through it all His animals are always here expressing love and drawing us to His thrown of grace.
Innocent in stature, instinctive in their ways,
muted in their messaging yet active in their praise!
Animals adore us like the heavenly One,
openly affectionate, loyally standing by,
awaiting the opportunity to draw us to His side.
They shudder with anticipation and shimmy with delight,
happy to embrace us and stand by us through the night.
How can man ignore it and deny His heavenly plan? For God created the animals to share His endless love with His beloved man.