Launching a new vision in 2018

Launching a new vision in 2018
March 3, 2018 Pastor Leslie

Greetings to all from the Ark Animals Ministry Team!

We are now well into our 6th year of work on Ark Animals Ministry. Pastor Bob Barnett and I began this venture with a tiny seed of an idea on August 4th, 2011. From there we developed our ideas, drew out our vision and believed there was a way to bring this project to life. Fortunately the Lord brought us a fabulous team, John Koslosky and Austin Tocco, who have diligently worked with us to create, update and manage all of our sites for 6 years!

In 2018, the Lord is clearly directing me to move out boldly in faith and expand our outreach through media! This is an exciting assignment! But, just like when we began six years ago, there are many unknowns and new challenges to conquer!

The scripture the Lord gave me for this assignment, and to share with you, is in Philippians 3:13-14, where the Apostle Paul is talking about the goal of life, and he writes, “Brethern, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet.”

I stopped here and asked the Lord to tell me what “ it” is? And the Lord spoke to my heart saying, “ Daughter, it is the vision I have placed in your heart. It is the course of the race I set before you. It is the assignment for your life, to expand the gospel of Jesus Christ, that I put into your spirit before you were born!” So I ask you, as I have asked myself, what is your assignment in life? For Ark Animals Ministries it is clearly to move out to expand our media outreach.

Continuing on with the scripture, Paul goes on to write…. “ but one thing I do: (remember, we all have corresponding faith actions to take as we walk with the Lord) “forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

As I read this I can clearly see how our faith walk is spelled out in this passage. We are to: let go of the past, reach forward to what lies ahead, press on toward the goal of the prize (I really like goals that bring prizes!) of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. To me this lays out a remarkable promise of moving forward, unencumbered to a higher place of victory!

Today, thanks to our partners and followers, who have faithfully shared Scripture by Picture and Ark Blogsmwith family and friends around the world, we are reaching over 125 countries and have over 25,000 followers across social media. In 2018 our goal is to more than double our outreach by expanding our messages through Ark Blogs, YouTube teachings and Social media videos on a weekly basis.

In order to achieve these goals, we need your prayerful and financial support. We ask that you consider partnering with us financially to accomplish what the Lord is leading us to do through media outreach.

To learn more about our ministry please visit our About page on our website and join us at Scripture by Picture. There you will find more information about our online giving and partnership options.

Lastly, we are committed to praying for our partners and followers daily and encourage you to submit your prayer requests on line. We believe in the power of prayer and want to stand with you to see God’s miraculous break through in your life.

Thank you again for all of your support. Have a blessed week and stay close to the Lord.

I look forward to connecting with you again very soon.