Were pets at the first Thanksgiving?

Were pets at the first Thanksgiving?
November 28, 2019 Pastor Bob
First Thanksgiving

This painting by Ferris shows a dog in the foreground. Few realize that pets were probably part of the first Thanksgiving. According to the American Kennel club pilgrims weren’t the only passengers on the voyage from Southampton England to Plymouth, Massachusetts in the year 1620.

First Thanksgiving

The earliest mention of the dogs appeared in a 17th century journal called “Mourt’s Relation”, a history of the first years of life in the brave new world.

According to the story, there were two dogs – an English Springer Spaniel and a Mastiff – that were brought from England by a pilgrim named John Goodman. The two dogs probably helped in the discovery of food sources, provided security and were loyal, trusted companions that proved to be indispensable to the early settlers.

This Thanksgiving we can be mindful of the many blessings that God has bestowed on us through friends and family, but let’s not forget the faithful friendship that has been given to us through our pets.