Lily is a white Great Dane. At a young age, she had to have her eyes removed due to a rare illness. The owner had no idea what to do until Maddison, Lily’s pal, sensed her dilemma and became her guide dog. Now the two are truly inseparable. Through a series of maneuvers and sounds, Lily is able to get around.

They begin and end each day together, and, when the two are playing, any observer would be hard-pressed to recognize that Lily is blind.
This partnership that is fostered out of great necessity is a wonderful reminder about the value of trusted and loyal friends.

How wonderful to see this dog sense the others weakness and, instead of exploiting it, chooses to protect her vulnerable companion. It is as if Maddison had heard the words of Helen Keller: “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”
I realize every one of us would hope to have friends and family that would be as sensitive and faithful as Maddison; however, there is nothing stopping us from being like Maddison to someone else who is going through a difficult time.

Their difficulty is our opportunity to fulfill the “golden rule” many children are taught early in life: “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you” (NASB, Matthew 7:12).