The Incredible Power of Tender Companionship

The Incredible Power of Tender Companionship
November 25, 2019 Pastor Bob
Monkey Hugging Dog

There are many people who have a special need for tenderness.

We cannot know the secret burdens that many of those around us are carrying. There are hidden griefs that burn like heated embers deep within. Not all grief is obvious because it is not revealed in the garb of mourning. Sometimes the brightest faces conceal very heavy hearts that would never ask for sympathy yet long for tenderness.

Cat and Fawn

Even Jesus longed for someone just to be there when He was in the garden praying in agony. He needed no words, just alert companionship. He longed for someone just to sense His need and be attentively there in support.

These animals wonderfully depict the security and comfort expressed through companionship. What made them “friends” was their need, and it transcended any differences they had.

Puppy Hugging Kitten
Duckling and Owl
Dog Licking Deer
tiger cub and monkey
monkey hugs cat
Bison and Cat
Monkey Hugging Dog
dog and dolphin
goose kisses koi
monkey and dove
German shepherd and tiger cubs