The Joy of Ginger!

The Joy of Ginger!
March 26, 2016 Pastor Leslie
The Joy of Ginger!

Ginger CookiesGinger is not only a rich, reddish brown colored, robust, aromatic spice, ginger also describes the state of being high spirited or full of pep! When I think of the spice ginger, in my mind’s eye, I immediately see warm ginger bread bathed with freshly whipped cream or, ginger spice cookies with icing. The aromatic memories waft through my brain and simultaneously stimulate my taste buds and bring back memories of long, cold winters in New England.

Ginger HorseWhen I think of the name Ginger, I recall feisty, high stepping, red headed, fillies (horses or humans) who exuded deep strength and endless energy. Gritting their teeth and tossing their manes, in the wind, they charged joyfully through life.

The Ginger we are sharing today is a lovely combination of rich color and unbridled tenacity! Her story goes like this: About a year ago, in 2014, a friend arrived at the door holding a miniscule, female, Chihuahua puppy, who had just experienced a near fatal run in with a car. Estimated to be about three months old the puppy weighed barely over one pound. On closer examination, by the veterinarian, she was diagnosed with a double hernia and other expensive medical issues that may have been the reason she was cast into the street to fend for herself.

The Joy of Ginger!
Ginger Dog
Ginger Dog

Despite of the complexity of her medical conditions, the Book family willingly underwrote the cost of her care and ongoing treatments required to restore her to complete health. Originally the Book’s intended to find a new home for this puppy but that was not what the Lord had in mind. She recovered from her surgery and wiggled her way into every heart in their home.

Ginger with Family
Ginger Laying Down
Ginger Getting Hugged

Today, sweet Ginger, is the “spunky, sweet little doll that holds her own well in this crazy household.” says her forever Mom, Rhonda Book. Regardless of the difficult start little Ginger had in her early life, she recovered and lives a contented life.

Ginger and Boy
Ginger and Dogs
Ginger and Kid

She is a living example of the foundational scriptures of Ark Animals Ministries; “But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you; and the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you…. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this , in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?” Job 12: 7-10 (NASB). God holds Ginger in His hands everyday to share a story of survival and bring great joy to a busy household.

Ark Animals Ministries thanks the Book family and so many others around the world who live by the Word of God and follow the direction of Proverbs 12:10 which says: “Good people are good to their animals” The Message Bible (MSG).

Please click here to submit a picture and share your stories with us too!

Pastor Leslie Becker