Thanksgiving and Time

Thanksgiving and Time
November 22, 2018 Pastor Leslie
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving

I just came to the realization, in only a few days, I will be celebrating my 60th Thanksgiving! As I think back, over the 59 prior gatherings, I am touched by the poignant memory of my dear parents. Sadly, this will be my first Thanksgiving without any living parents. My gregarious father passed away in 2011 and my deeply talented mother on April 6th, 2018. Because I am fully assured they are resting in the presence of the Lord, praying for me from the portals of heaven, I am not grieving their deaths!

What I am acutely aware of is how precious every minute is in this life. For many years I have coached friends and staff members with these words: “You can always find a way to make more money but, you cannot ever make more time.” I live by these words and constantly remind myself when a minute has passed it is gone forever! None of us know the day nor the hour of our separation from this life. However, we are all blessed with the gift of freedom of choice, including how we use our time. In words of King Solomon “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven” Eccles 3:1

This Thanksgiving I encourage you to act on three things: give God thanks for the precious gift of time, ask the Lord to show you how to use time wisely, and, regardless of your family situation, be it good, bad, happy or sad, take time to give thanks for the man and woman who gave you the gift of life on earth. “Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be prolonged and that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God gives you.” Deut 5:16

May the Lord be with you all in this time of Thanksgiving!